Ohio Employee Ownership Conference
April 18, 2024
Akron-Fairlawn Hilton, 3180 W Market St, Akron
Each year the OEOC’s Annual Conference features an eclectic and interesting mix of featured speakers, 20-plus breakout sessions, and plenty of networking opportunities - and more - for management and leaders of employee-owned companies, rank and file employee-owners, business owners interested in selling to their employees, and anyone interested in employee ownership.
Topic areas covered at our Annual Conference include:
- Legal and Technical - sessions on legal, financial, fiduciary, and other technical employee ownership topics
- Governance, Leadership, and Best Practices - sessions to help you manage your ESOP, and worker cooperative.
- Culture and Communications - sessions to help maximize and grow your ownership culture including; communication committees; developing strategies for in person and virtual communications; and reinvigorating your culture
- Essential Employee Owner Education - interactive basic education sessions for all employee-owners of ESOPs and worker cooperatives
- Selling Owners- sessions for business owners considering a sale to an ESOPs and worker cooperatives