Morgan Entrepreneur Spotlight - Melanie Friedman

Welcome to "Morgan Entrepreneur Spotlight," our monthly-ish showcase where we shine a light on Northeast Ohio's entrepreneurial superstars. Each feature delves into the journeys of individuals who have participated in our programs and are harnessing their learnings to fuel impressive growth and innovation.
Melanie Friedman has participated in a number of business growth programs offered through Morgan Foundation’s partnership with the Edward Lowe Foundation, including the Big Rock Valley Leadership Retreat, follow-up roundtable sessions, and the Entrepreneur in Residence program. Melanie is also an alum of the 2023 cohort of Scalerator NEO.
Tell us a little about your business.
“We will be celebrating 35 years in September! My business partner, Mark Moore, and I are also celebrating 17 years of ownership this April. With a national footprint, we serve clients near and far on K-12 and higher education projects, animal hospitals and shelters, and beverage and hospitality venues. Our people are passionate and engaged and we work hard to exemplify our core values of Commitment, Listening, Excellence, Adaptability, and Relationships. “
Can you share your thoughts and key takeaways about the foundation-sponsored entrepreneurship programming you have participated in?
“They required a significant amount of invested time, but the return was well worth it and will have lasting impacts for our company as well as me personally. Key takeaways included peers that now function as a Board of Advisors (for a small business like ours, this is immensely helpful), deeper commitment from our key leaders, and strategies for sustained growth.”
Please tell us about any benefits, growth, or key wins you've experienced since participating in these programs.
“I could probably list a whole page of them! Through a few well-timed opportunities, we were able to meet our two-year growth plan for 2024-2025, all in 2024. This has enabled us to hire for a few important roles that will facilitate continuing that growth (with a more moderate pace) over the next several years as well.”
What are your goals for the next twelve months?
“One of my goals is to fully integrate our new branch office in Dallas, TX so that all our people feel part of one strong, united and team-oriented culture (that also likes to have fun)!
Another goal is to increase the number of school districts we provide planning and architectural services for, so that more communities can receive improved educational and athletic facilities though a positive and relational experience. Our high level of service and responsiveness coupled with quality designs for low change orders is so much appreciated by our current and past clients; our goal is to increase our capacity to partner with more districts at one time.”
What is your favorite quote?
"“The only thing that will matter to you 100 years from now is your relationship with God.” When things get overly stressful (I actually think some stress is a good thing), it helps me to take a step back and consider the big picture.”
What is the last book you read?
“Owner of a Lonely Heart, a memoir about a refugee from Saigon. In between thrillers and business books, I’ve been trying to mix in biographies and memoirs. This genre that I considered super boring as a kid now fascinates me. Although I don’t always agree with them, I love learning about other people’s perspectives and how they developed from their own experiences.”
What advice do you have for budding entrepreneurs?
“Strategic planning and systems will get you much farther (and faster) than flying by the seat of your pants. Also, a lot of entrepreneurs are very independent minded people – don’t be afraid to get out there and have meaningful conversations with others that are where you are now or have previously been where you are. Learning from the mistakes of others and being vulnerable to share your own mistakes is invaluable.”
Is there anything else you’d like us to share?
“My appreciation for Burton D. Morgan Foundation and the Edward Lowe Foundation is beyond words. Second stage businesses are stuck between all the focus on innovative start-ups and giant corporations. We represent the majority of businesses in America and although our companies are all unique, our challenges are similar. Anyone that has not taken advantage of these programs is truly missing out.”
To learn more about Morgan Foundation sponsored programs and opportunities for second stage entrepreneurs, contact Michal Marcus.
If you have participated in Morgan Foundation sponsored programs and are interested in being featured in the Spotlight, contact Gina Dotson.