New Procedures and Deadlines for Grant Requests of $20,000 or Less
Effective January 1, 2018, all requests are subject to deadlines, and funding awards will be decided three times per year. For grant requests higher than $20,000 this is nothing new. However, this is a change in procedure for grant requests of $20,000 or less.
Currently, these smaller requests are submitted through our eGrant online portal and awarded on a rolling basis. Grant seekers will still utilize the same form and the same portal to submit a Letter of Inquiry, and they may submit them at any time of the year; however, they will be considered and awarded three times per year. The deadline and decision date is below:
Decision Date Deadline to Submit LOI
January/February Board Meeting November 1*
June Board Meeting February 15
September Board Meeting May 15
*This deadline is for 2017 only. In 2018 the deadline to submit a Letter of Inquiry for consideration at the February board meeting will be September 15.
We recognize that some projects may arise which might not neatly fit in with these deadlines and may need a quicker response. The Foundation is committed to being nimble to accommodate these special opportunities, but only in extraordinary circumstances. Applicants with projects that fall into this category, should contact Grants & Communications Manager Gina Dotson to discuss.
We realize that this will require applicants to plan further out and apply earlier than they may be accustomed to, in order to obtain funding by the date it is needed. We also understand that there may be some instances, especially while this procedure is still new, where grant seekers may not be able to meet our new deadlines. We are prepared to make some exceptions when needed, particularly in 2018 while our grantees adjust to this new timeline.