Programs for Second Stage Entrepreneurs

Burton D. Morgan Foundation believes that supporting second-stage businesses - companies with revenues between $1 million and $50 million - is critical for fostering sustained economic growth, job creation, and innovation. These businesses, often referred to as scaleups, face unique challenges distinct from startups. They've proven their concept, secured a customer base, and now require strategic support to scale their operations, expand market reach, and solidify their position within their industries.

Morgan Foundation has joined forces with Edward Lowe Foundation to provide high quality programs to promote growth in second stage companies. Burton D. Morgan Foundation and Edward Lowe Foundation have co-invested funds to ensure that all program offerings are provided free of charge to Northeast Ohio participants.

Leadership Retreats
Escape the daily grind and immerse yourself in highly interactive sessions at Big Rock Valley, the Edward Lowe Foundation's 2,000-acre learning campus in southwest Michigan.  Challenge your perspectives, focus on change within your organization, and emerge as a stronger leader.

PeerSpectives® CEO Roundtables
Engage in invaluable peer discussion, both virtually and in-person.  Sharpen your leadership and decision-making as you navigate the challenges and opportunities unique to second-stage companies.

The System for Integrated Growth (SIG)® 
Virtually collaboratge with business eperts to fortify your infrastructurem penetrate new makets, and discover new customers.  Tailored information across human resources, operations, finance, and more.

American Academy of Entrepreneurs® 
This mentoring program pairs seasoned entrepreneurs with business owners who have entered second stage more recently. This invitation-only six-month program helps participants expand their networks and accelerate growth, while providing mentors with the opportunity to give back and share lessons learned.

Take a transformative three-day retreat to reflect, recharge, and recalibrate your business and personal goals in the serene setting of Big Rock Valley.  Designed for individuals.

Legacy Council
A one-year journey focusing on succession planning for entrepreneurs poised for the next chapter.  Prepare for a smooth transition with peer support and expert guidance.

We also offer:

Scalerator NEO
 In 2017, Morgan Foundation partnered with the Richard J. Fasenmyer Foundation to launch Scalerator NEO, a six-month cohort based educational program for leadership teams seeking to deliver immediate growth to their second stage businesses.  The Scalerator program was developed by Dan Isenberg, CEO of Entrepreneurship Policy Advisors and former Harvard Business School professor.   It serves companies with $3 million - $15 million in sales and a desire to grow, and touts impressive results, with 75% of participating companies increasing their growth by 25% or more following the completion of the program.  A new cohort will begin in January 2025.

To learn more about these programs or Morgan Foundation’s focus on second stage businesses, contact Michal Marcus.

Save the Dates

Morgan Foundation will be joining forces with MAGNET to host two upcoming networking/learning events for second stage entrepreneurs on September 12 and November 14.